The Controne bean is easily recognizable: it is small, it is round, it is white, indeed: very white; it has no spots or eyes; however, it has a very ancient history.
The Controne bean is easily recognizable: it is small, it is round, it is white, indeed very white, it has no spots or eyes, it has a very ancient history. The high digestibility and the thin, almost impalpable skin make the Controne bean a highly prized legume.
The last weekend of November Controne dedicates it to its product, the most famous and prized Cilento bean and beyond. On the occasion of the festival to which it gives its name, it is possible to buy controne beans or taste the typical dishes of Controne and Cilento: beans al tozzetto, for example (a fresella is seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and boiled legumes in white); or, again, beans with escarole; the pasta with beans and làgana (fresh handmade pasta) with beans are also excellent.
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